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I found a way to shut up one xtion bigot. A guy was ranting about islam being the religion of goat fuckers. I reminded him that all three Mideastern religions were founded by the same goat fucker - Abraham.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 11

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That Christian is wrong. Islam is a religion of violence. Whether they fuck goats is immaterial.

Pretty sure all Abrahanic religions are violent from the get go. Islam in Indonesia is no more violent than Buddhism in Malaysia. The Mid-East is and has been a violent place for a long time.

@Beowulfsfriend Historically yes. Christian white nationalists are getting radicalized. Radical Islamic terrorism have pulled off many attacks, Fort Hood, Charlie Hebdo and numerous others. Oh yeah 9/11. I don't think it's nice to call then goat fuckers, I call some of them murderers and many of them complacent to murder. It doesn't make me a bigot, it makes me observant.


Not all sects of Islam are violent. In fact the majority preach the same peaceful coexistence as Christianity. Just like Christianity extreme groups within them gives a false impression of the majority. Most religions have a violent underbelly throughout history.

@t1nick I disagree. You can pretend that Islam and violence aren't linked but it's in their teachings. Even within the course of daily life. It's not just radical elements in the fringe. Religious people kill in the name of religion, none more so than Muslims. Jihad is preached by most imams. They're still in 7th century.


A major teaching for factions of Islam is not jihadist. Just like the Old Testament of Christianity, which is very violent, most proponents disregard these older teachings. Only fundamentalists refer back to the older parables.

@t1nick I'm talking about 21st century. They blew up the Towers!


That was a small number of individuals, not the entire Islamic population. Overt actions like that get lots of attention. The everyday believer is not heard from. Al Queada is not a big organization when compared against the entirety of the Islam nation. I am not rationalizing or attempting to justify their actions. Just trying to bring truth to the relationhip between peaceful practioners and violent jihadists. Even with ISIS thrown in, its still a minority of the Islamic population.

@t1nick @barjoe That group were Wahabbis, which is a very radical (conservative) sect from Saudis Arabia and also responsible, along with Saudi money for the rise of the Taliban and Daesh and Al Shabob and other violent groups.


They are still a statistically small percentage of all Muslims. Even all these groups combined are still statistically a small number compared to the whole. Still very dangerous and destructive, but do represent the entirety of religious practitioners.

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