Dear Hatred,
I trust this letter finds you well.
Actually, from the look of things out there business is booming for you lately. I’ve got to hand it to you, you’ve managed to keep yourself in the news pretty steadily and these days that’s no small feat. Your ability to reinvent yourself is a credit to your persistence and to you knowing your audience. I’ll confess, your brand is a whole lot stronger than I’d realized. Somehow you’ve been able to leverage all that fear out there into a pretty impressive little cottage industry. I see you’ve even secured a Presidential candidate.
To be honest, I’ve been in a pretty deep funk with all that’s happening, myself. For a while I’ve been struggling to find any real momentum; one step forward, eighteen steps back. I’d started to think maybe I was obsolete, like I’d finally become passé; destined to be a dusty relic of the past and relegated to faded t-shirts and power ballads. I was seriously considering calling it a day.
But this morning I realized something: I’m. Freaking. Love. Dammit.
I am the glorious, beautiful response to all the havoc you wreak out there.
I am the relentless dawn that chases away your heavy darkness.
I resurrect all the hope that you seek to destroy.
I am the defiant middle finger raised in the face of death, evil, and your pervasive lie that Humanity is beyond saving.
I am the redemptive song that people keep finding a way to sing together no matter how difficult the days become.
Like yeast in the dough I will quietly and silently do the healing work I do; person by person, heart by heart, breath by breath. And then I will be the one dancing.
Sure, maybe I’ve had a rough stretch lately, but I’ve been through this all a million times before and I’ve always been able to answer you.
And trust me, I will answer now too.
Let’s face it, deep down we both know how this is going to play out, don’t we? You’ll grab the headlines and make a dramatic statement and chaos will briefly come, and you’ll feel and seem like you’re winning. You’ll get a bit of traction and you’ll celebrate for a moment. But it won’t be long until I rise up and slowly drive back beneath the ground all the terrible Hell that you managed to raise.
Like yeast in the dough I will quietly and silently do the healing work I do; person by person, heart by heart, breath by breath. And then I will be the one dancing.
You’ve probably noticed that I don’t resort to all the bombast and theatrics you’re known for. That may move the needle and make the news, but it doesn’t last and anyway it’s never really been my style. I prefer to just keep going — and waiting. Because the truth is, goodness is Humanity’s default setting, and when people stop to breathe, when they step away from the screaming fray, when they draw nearer to one another they recognize that goodness in the other’s eyes — and then you’re screwed.
People will always return to compassion and mercy because those are the most powerful forces on the planet. And when they do, they find me there waiting. They embrace me and I them.
Yes, you are powerful and resilient, friend, but you’ll never overcome me and you won’t outlast me.
Yes, you may occasionally corrupt the system, but I am the system. I am the truth that people know without knowing they know it. I am the deepest sacred place the human heart will always seek as its level. When hurting, grieving, weary souls search for rest, I am where and when they finally find themselves home.
So you can have your eye for any eye, and I will keep making peace.
You can demand revenge and I will keep forgiving.
You can spew venom and I’ll turn my cheek.
You can posture and incite with a closed fist, and I will stretch out my open hand.
You can gloat and brag and feel quite pleased with yourself for the momentary terror you’ve manufactured — and I will press firmly into that which endures and defeats it.
Yes, you are powerful and resilient, friend, but you’ll never overcome me and you won’t outlast me.
No matter what unspeakable damage you do, I will bring even greater healing.
And no matter how much you say I will always have the last, loudest word — trust me on this.
Look around you. Look beneath the headlines and the noise.
Look deeply into the eyes of those who get me and see how much they’re willing to do. My people will not be denied.
You can’t win this one, friend, no matter what you or the papers say.
This place is mine.
Pretty words
Would that they were true.
Love has never won a war, suppressed a dictator, overthrown a regime, ended a conflict, or brought peace.
It is perfectly possible to love a dictator, love war and to love a bigoted doctrine and many do.
Because it is a fundamental mistake to presume that Love is the opposite of hate, it is not. Love is the other side of the same coin, it is just as powerful and just as dangerous, love and hate can turn in to one another in the blink of an eye.
Compassion is the healer after hate is defeated, not love.
Empathy not love is the mother of compassion.
The true opposite of hate is outrage.