How do you feel about burn survivors and amputees ?
(Pic unrelated)
I judge people on who they are inside, not how they look. If you're an asshole, thats all you'll get from me.
The society sees a amputee with much courtesy than a burn survivor.. Is what I feel..
what makes you say that?
I worked in a burn unit and I think that is one of the most difficult injuries to recover from.It only begins when you get past the initial survival period.You have to be pretty strong to get through it and I know a person could never be the same after that.Each story would be different
Yash, the burns were the easy part.
I became a burn survivor and amputee after I tried to pull my girlfriend out of the car she wrecked in that I was thrown from. I didn't get her out, and she had died on impact. But that didn't stop me from trying.
After nearly 8 years, mountains of attempts, and only 2-3 dates to show for it, I don't know what people think of people like me anymore.
If they did it to themselves, then shame on them.
If it was an accident, then compassion galore.
If it was done to them, then may the pain of each day be tenfold on the perpetrator/s.
If you're asking if I would be the kind of person to reject someone who has a disability, the answer is...It depends.
A jerk is a jerk is a jerk. Doesn't matter if he/she's featured on Forb's most handsome/beautiful list, a jerk is a jerk.
A good person is a good person and I always feel good about a good person.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be a burn survivor and I wouldn't try. I admire anyone who can go through something like that and still be a good person.
Amputees? The limbs do not make the personality or intellect. Again, a good person is a good person, a jerk is a jerk.