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Good Sunday morning! On the off chance that you haven't voted's an awesome video pointing out why Trump offends women....and Joe Biden supports them

Robecology 9 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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What a terrible message.
It is just as OK to insult a woman as a man. Preferably we would treat all people and their ideas respectfully, even as we disagree.
Women are rising in positions of power and respect, and they will have to keep working hard for that. A lot of change has happened in my lifetime and will continue.
But fuck the idea of coddling women. Am I supposed to vote for Democrat or Republican fascism because there is a woman?
And fuck having to agree with someone's position due to their gender. I haven't agreed with the vast majority of men, and I am not going to do so just because someone is a woman.
Stop voting for evil. For all my adult life people have been voting for "the lesser of two evils" and what we have gotten is more evil.

Don't vote for Jo Jorgensen because she is a woman. Vote for her because she represents a platform of freedom against corrupt centralized slaved and statism.
She won't win, but your vote will count as being against the corruption destroying your country.
The power structure doesn't actually care who you pick as the good cop or the bad cop. They are playing you. You will keep paying your taxes. Less people will own their houses since they owe them to the bank. Inflation devalues your savings, but they don't lose their control. Jobs will get exported even more. The USA will continue to have the most expensive medical care and drugs in the world.
If you are a minority of any type, the libertarians have always been the side of your individual rights. No more mass incarceration.
Don't vote for more war. Bring all troops home so you don't have to pay for them and you don't have to have blood on your hands killing innocent people.
A peaceful America which follows the constitution could be a prosperous nation for all.


Maybe the libertarian party should have better candidates... and there are people working at the local level too. They work for your freedom, but are drown out by those who see you as slaves to sell.

Jo Jorgensen is a good enough candidate and certainly better than the corrupt old guy and old weird guy.


What can you say about a guy who wants to fuck his daughter.

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