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Jimmy Kimmel interviewing Bill Maher....impressive!


Robecology 9 Oct 29

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I think he was right on RBG and Obama should have dropped a hint so big it knocked her right out of office before the Republicans figured they could just stop doing anything by the so called rules and "gentleman's agreements" that Washington used to use. She at least would them have got to enjoy a well earned retirement.

I hope that history will show Obama's presidency was the last Democratic one where Democrats continued to pay lip service to notions like "bi-partisan" and "reaching across the aisle". Those things were well and truly taken off the table by Trump. Maybe when the rules are not rigged to allow the ruling party to just ignore the rules then everyone can agree to follow them. But until then - IMO absolutely Democrats should do everything and anything to restore the "representative" in our so-called representative democracy. If that requires stuffing courts and leaning on justices over say 70 to retire them so be it.

And justices proven to have lied in their senate hearings? Persecute them for perjury and impeach them. We may be decades from being able to get the super majority to actually remove a justice but those guilty of such malfeasance should be highlighted and tainted.

Good thoughts. I'm convinced that if/when the dems get the majority they'll move to increase the # of seats on the SCOTUS and also move to limit their terms. Let's hope.

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