I must apologize beforehand for the length of this post, but I sincerely think that it needs this length to accomplish what it has set out to do. I rarely post anything that has such a volume of thought, but these are exceptional times.
When you come into the world and start to mature, you are told how organized and controlled by god the world is, how those who do evil are punished, how wonderful it will be at some future time when either humanity becomes better or in some after-life you will experience eternal bliss.
. Then as you grow older, you start to realize that some things do not really add up. 1+1 may not always equal two, for who can truly define a UNIT, when each unit is in fact made up of atoms, which are en masse, uncountable, so the idea of a unit is simply a generalization . . . One apple seed may have more atoms than another.
So then you start to see that humanity does not have all the answers that it seems to arrogantly claim it has; and you begin to see that what you have been taught worked to the extreme advantage to those who oversaw the "education" you were given . . . . That in truth, your education was not real education, it was propaganda . . . . And all that you were taught about "god" and his mercy, or vengeance, only worked to make you submit to the rule of those who oversaw your government-sponsored propaganda blitz.
You start to see things like war crimes these people like Henry Kissinger commit over and over again, with impunity, and you begin to realize that the whole idea of monotheism is to program your mind to believe that these people are ordained by some higher power to be right, no matter what they do, because they are acting under the will of this so-called "god" that you were taught existed, a "god" who would have vengeance upon those who are evil, when they arrive into the "after-life" . . . . Then the light begins to brighten, you see that what they have done is programmed you to believe that all sins are punished, and that whoever sins will suffer in the after-life, so you are willing to put aside and disregard what the murderers do in the name of "god", because surely, those who displease "god" will be punished! . . . But not right now, in this world!
And they have you were they want you . . . . Passive, actionless, with no control or sense of responsibility for what goes on in the world around you!
They can do whatever they want, and you will not complain, because after all, it is "destiny".
Humans frequently anthropomorphize as they attempt to rationalize their psychological desire to replace their parents with some celestial being in the sky. The whole thing is an attempt to replace their parents who are no longer around, it is a sign of immaturity and either self-loathing or dependence on others to supervise their lives, rather than being brave, standing up, and becoming the master of their own destiny.
Unfortunately, more often than not, the putative being in the sky is nothing more than a proxy for the people who rule over you. And it is designed to be that way.
Teleology is the philosophical study of nature by attempting to describe things in terms of their apparent purpose, directive principle, or goal. . . . . . The universe is not teleological. There is nothing in nature or human civilization that is necessarily following a timeline of constant purpose or progress. That which is called "progress" in many cases is actually regress in many ways, and even if it is not, there is nothing that locks it in and prevents nature from reverting back to some former state. That which gives life can also take it away . . . . The sun can just as easily kill us as it can give us life . . . . It can supernova, and all is gone . . . . The dinosaurs were wiped out, clearly indicating that "progress" is not some manifest destiny . . . And mankind could also disappear . . . . The universe is not progressive in the sense that mankind (to a fault) often ascribes it to be.
Then it all comes together . . . . Religion, "god", destiny . . . Is nothing more than a means of control you have been subjected to, via the propaganda you have been fed since birth.
If you believe in an all-powerful, monolithic "god", you are much more willing to believe that those in power are representatives of that monolithic "god", and that they can do no wrong . . . . They can attack other countries who always happen to have a non-Caucasian majority, bomb them, they can kill men, women and children, shower them with white phosphorous, depleted uranium, drone them, sanction them, starve them, steal their land and resources, and you will not protest, because, after all, they are acting in the name of your "god", for it was "god" who put them in office, was it not?
These murderers are allowed to exploit you at every junction of time, because they have proselytized and propagandized you to believe that they are gods in their own right . . . . And your mind rots as long as you allow it. Your very own conscience is destroyed by them, purposely, deliberately, so they can continue unceasingly to make hell on earth for everyone around them.
And the vast majority of those subjected to such vile lies and deceit are still clinging to their pacifier they were given since birth.
Atoms actually are countable. We do that in general chemistry all the time. We know who many atoms of C-12 are in a 12 thing sample. That is Avogadro's number 6.022 x 10 to the 23 power.
So, you can count the number of atoms in an apple seed? I am familiar with Avogadro's number. Trying to apply it on a macro scale though is a problem. What scale is that accurate, and does the scale also take into account the temperature of what is being measured, does it account for the H2O in the sample . . . . The margin of ± error is to large.
There is error to any measurement. Atoms are very small.
Yes, we are all indoctrinated early into god belief. I think some of this is because our parents want to make sure we do not do wrong things so they tell us that every bad deed gets punished. Someone along the way forgot that our indoctrination is a bad deed. Then there is that mean old Henry Kissenger who is 97 years old these days. What political mischief and murder could he be up to?
My bet is he is in the thick of it.
Um, yeah and then you move on. I was quite young, 12 or so when the light of hypocrisy popped. Did not know it was hypocrisy, at 12 there was a fuck of a lot I did not know BUT I was quite content in my bubble of unknowing and instead of staying for the rest of the boring ass crap would duck out of the church after the choir (of which I was a part of) sang their number and go sit on the bank of the Delaware. I'd watch the river, toe the sand at my feet, I don't remember what I thought about. I did not wear a watch but somehow knew when I needed to get back to the church so mom could pick me and my sisters up at the end of the service. I'm sure I must have thought about why she just dropped us off but did not go to the service herself. Eventually someone ratted me out, I was asked why I did not stay and I am sure I said because it was boring. The next Sunday I just refused to go and when told it's good for me I asked "Then why do you just drop us off at the door and not also go?" She had no reply.
There is a lot I don't know. I do know there are enough ways to learn and gain understanding but if you don't explore what you think you know may be just so much bull shit. Personally I just stay as far away from religion as possible.
Wonderful post! Humans like all living things are programmed to survive. Beiing an intelligent animal also means imagination ....expanded to concoct theories for countering FEAR that is inherent in each one of us. Readymade theories of religion feed this fear and that's where believers are, refusing to analyse anything else beyond that. Lol..pacifier! That's what it really is.
Your imagery is compelling. I think there are many reasons why people think they need a God however your explanation is definitely one of them.
This post was actually primarily for Facebook, where the readership is not only far larger, but outside of the community of non-believers . . . and generally, it was written with that in mind, as an exposé. I do occasionally post here things I post there if I think it might possibly be the seed for either further thought or something that might be used by readers as they themselves encounter those who remain under the spell of the god delusion.
@Archeus_Lore After fighting with the fucks on FB I come here for solace. Good vent.
Wow, that was profound and deep. Dont think I have ever heard it explained so well!!!Thanks for sharing