A conundrum.
How can one be profane if one does not believe in the God myth?
It is pretty easy to piss off believers using what they deem as profane, but what does an Agnostic or Atheist consider "profane"?
I guess atheists would find religious dogma to be profane.
Well, since blasphemy or belief in oaths do not apply to us, we consider nothing to be profane. Profanity is in the mind of the believer of myths.
I don't know but it doesn't prevent me from trying, HARD!
Profane the idea of science. "a: Knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method
b: such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE" Merriam-Webster
One of the challenges to secularists is dealing with the linguistic remnants of religion. Enormous numbers of words and phrases that are common parlance must either be discarded or redefined for a secular context. This confusion is commonly used by religionists as a segue to their proselytizing spiel.
The word profane loses its metaphysical implication, which was always absurd anyway. It becomes synonymous with: vulgar, abusive, indecent, obscene.