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Some words or phrases are nearly universal across a language, but some are used only by certain groups, or in certain areas. There are several that seem to be mostly used in Indiana -- "Hoosierisms".

A word that my grandfather apparently used was "juberous". It is most likely a corruption of "dubious" because that's how it was used. Having looked it up, it seems to have been used in the south and midland United States, so I guess this one is broader than actual Hoosierisms.

Any words or phrases that are associated specifically with your area?

Omnedon 7 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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'Ya shooor, you betcha' -- how to talk Mini-soooaaatan 🙂


Lots in and around North East England and Yorkshire.

I especially like nesh, meaning, over sensitive to the cold. Sometimes used judgmentally, and sometimes not, as in. "I was feeling nesh this morning, so I put on an extra coat." Often also used to describe a symptom of illness.

And 'clarty' meaning half way between sticky and sloppy.

@Omnedon I like them especially because, they are both really useful words, with no equivalents.

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