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Anyone learning to play guitar? I've just started, and want to know if someone can recommend some great online tutorials.

ArthurPhillips 6 Apr 10

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YouTube would be your friend here. Recommendations might help you narrow them down but often a teaching style is very personal to the learner's particular individual likes and dislikes. Do a search for Guitar tutorials and then select "Chanels" to find someone. It can be a laboriously long task to find someone that's "your cup of tea", as we say in the UK. ?


Buy a book of chords and scales, especially one that shows relative scales. Better than any online tutorial you'll ever get. After learning some relative chords, put on a cd or whatever and try to play along. This will help learn time and chord changes.


Following want to love to play a guitar too

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

I tried Yousician and a couple of other apps but decided a year ago to set aside some of my budget for private lessons. It has been much more enjoyable for me to learn to play the guitar with a coach that is knowledgeable and pushes me into new skills at the right time, scaffolding the learning process - and also to talk to someone else who loves music as much as I do! I've taught myself a few things on my own but that simply enhances what I am learning with my instructor. I suppose finding the right match (either with online tutorials or another human being) is important too. Each learner is different. Good luck and hope you really enjoy it!


Fender has a lesson site but you have to pay after 30 days. 10 bucks a month isn't bad. Jamplay is another good pay site. YouTube is great for learning different techniques and songs but you probably aren't going to learn a systematic approach that way.


Been playing for 30+ years and I still find cool new ideas and techniques online. Guitar Player magazine's website,, has some very varied lessons that are very good.


I have trouble playing a triangle

I never thought I would ever want to learn guitar at 42, but I never thought I'd start doing a lot of things at my age.

you can try anything at any time


You never stop learning, lol. On YouTube try Music is Win and The Art of Guitar, both have lots of useful info broken down into pratical examples, and both instructors are knowledgable and laid back. I have purchased the uDemy products associated with Music Is Win, and they are well worth the money. For general geeking out to gear, history, comparisons, etc ... all the major magazines have online resources, and guys at Andertons, out of the U.K., put out some good stuff. Stewart-MacDonald, and more specifically Dan Earlewine have some incredible content if you want to learn the luthier side of things. I ALWAYS recommend the video game Rocksmith. It allows you to play popular songs using an actual guitar, teaches instrument mechanics and basic scale and chord theory, and the 2014 version has a half decent session mode that allows you to play with simulated bands. Best of luck in your journey, being able to play the guitar is an incredible gift to give yourself.


You can just google YouTube videos that teach beginning guitar.

You can also buy beginning guitar books that have all the basic cords illustrated for you, so both might be helpful.

Marty Music is a very good teacher, but I'm learning a different finger than he uses, so I have to adjust.

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