4 0

I just found out I have 420 fans.

Hages 7 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, I hate your tie and your shoes.............


I have 3 fans. One of those is currently keeping the basement dry.


Hilarious! Great answer.

@LiterateHiker I try to make people laugh, while you try to make them imagine with your photos. 🙂


Good insight and a surprise. Half Irish, I'm a born storyteller.

@LiterateHiker I'm half Scottish, so I like to have fun. (Even if that involves heads rolling or pissing people off) 🙂


You are so funny! Love it.

Am a bit loopy after drinking a shot of whiskey to celebrate the Biden/Harris win. Pay no attention to my gushing. This is my first wee drop of alcohol in three years.

@LiterateHiker After the last four years, I wouldn't comment on anyone going out and buying someone's garden and smoking it.

@LiterateHiker Love it also


Good for you. Nice number.



What fans? Where?

A quick check of your profile tells a different story.



I don't know what "fans" means on I have thousands.

scratches head

@LiterateHiker fan is someone that "liked" a comment


Thank you. I didn't know that.

@LiterateHiker from you home page click on your profile. This takes you to your profile as if you are in edit mode to edit your profile. Then look for a row of buttons to click on that says "fans" once you click it says "Your Top Fans (most likes, member list visible to you only)"

If you look at those profiles listed, there is a small number of how many times that person "liked" a comment of yours. It would have your top fans listed first.


Thank you. I appreciate your help.

I still like my # 1 fan even if it is a bit noisy and is missing the front grill.

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