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I think its time to move on. This site is now full of memes and the post look more like facebook. There is very little theological discussion and those that do attempt it are so nuts and or ingnorant it has become useless to attempt to educate. So for now good bye. I will check the condition of the site in about six months or so.

DavidLaDeau 8 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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The memes have gotten annoying

twill Level 7 Dec 1, 2022

Not every atheist is interested in theological discussions all the time. We all different interests. That battle has been won anyways, especially by people like Sam Harris.


I think you missed the point of this site. I don't think it was ever meant to be some sort of anti-theology discussion board. It's a place for people who are largely in the minority throughout most of the world to meet in an environment free from religious scrutiny and judgment and be able to openly discuss our views and disdain toward religion, but also to simply meet like-minded people for general social interaction.

But, if you don't find what you want here then its your prerogative to move on though I am skeptical whether you will find what you're looking for elsewhere either.


Sorry you feel that way


I find that people on this site have different interested. There are technology buffs, those interested in crafts, literature, music, art, lots of politics and the occasional meme. I've checked out your videos, I like your posts. They are worthwhile and you've been an important person in this site. I read your posts, I don't usually comment because philosophical stuff is a bit over my head. I don't want to comment just to comment. I feel if I'm not contributing anything constructive I'd be detracting from a thread I don't want to troll. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I'll miss your posts.


I acknowledged my atheism in my teens. I have no desire to discuss theology with anyone, but that's me. Religion is around me everywhere, everyday. I enjoy reading the post by people from around the world and their daily lives.


If you have your preference setting adjusted for religion and theological debate, then you will not find much here. Since most of the members here come in part to avoid that, move on from there and widen their horizons. If you wish to debate religion then that is fine, but don't blame us if the debate is banal and shallow, the fact that it is banal and shallow, is one of the reasons why many of us left it anyway.


My theology has simplified to nothingness, all those theology neurons have been retrained to be skeptical neurons. I'm happier for it, their self hate settings have been dialed back 90% as well.


Take a look at the site the admin created because he didn't like how liberal leaning his agnostic/atheist site ended up. Full of alt-right memes and very little theological discussion.

I suggest you try Reddit atheist and TrueAtheist subs.

slug? The Qanon message board?

@barjoe you got it. Although I'm sure it is now suffering strong competition from Parler now. I'm looking forward to that anti-social media swamp sucking up the 70+ million Trump 2020 voters.

Image from: []

@prometheus Parler has a problem with Captcha. Apparently no-one can sign up. I tried so I could lurk and troll.

@barjoe I thought you were going to say their problem is that most of the users were not able to prove they were humans.

I've definitely seen Captcha seemingly go indefinitely for no reason. But I believe I did sign up there once because I wanted to check that content and users from this site had not been copied over as was initially reported. If it was I think it was deleted at some point.

@prometheus Captcha is a pain in the ass. Parler is a complete ripoff off Twitter. A totality right wing version. I signed up to lurk and troll. I won't engage with anyone. People started following me, so that's weird. I'm not going to post anything.

@barjoe just to clarify... I was thinking of Slug when I wrote that, got confused. I haven't signed up for Parler and never intend to.

Out of interest is Captcha the only way they enforced what they refer to as "Parler citizen Verification"? Or did they collect a phone number or other personal information?

@prometheus email, phone number


What did you think about Admin's recent carefully worded post suggesting a watering down of the site's mission statement, making it less 'scary' by avoiding scary references like atheism, essentially to broaden the 'appeal' of the site to less cerebral folk, and especially younger cohorts who don't like big words and scary big ideas? Is any of that in your thinking? I've been mulling that over myself. I hate to see a member like yourself withdrawing. Wondering about the future myself. I can barely tolerate the underlining assumption here of agnostics that this is really about them because of the site name, which it isn't, or at least it wasn't, but when I asked Admin to reaffirm this recently he was silent. So, the prospect of dumbing the site down to be a mini-me Facebook certainly raises concern, at least with me. One good thing is I have you subscribed in YouTube so I'll find you there. Finally, without wanting to be presumptuous, I have felt that atheists like you and me actually believe in taking the fight to religion, actively promoting a secular non religious world. So when I see more and more members here touting their apathetic attitude towards religion, I sigh and think to myself, 'really is that what i thought the site would be?'

Typically, if there is any debate concerning religion it has turned into conversations like that of a flatearther. Where is the Ice wall? Duuh its at the edge. Where is the edge? Why hasn't it been found? Well its obvious that it there dummy.
These types of dumbed down conversations are typical. What saddens me is all the fruit loops that buy into the crap and support them as if they have presented evidence. This site is like the old chat groups where fifteen people were talking about thirty things in one feed. There is no focus, no means to help those who do have valid questions as the street idiots have to put in their ignorant ten cents worth and then criticize for not "having an open mind". As Dawkins put It is hood to have an open mind but not so much your brain falls out. I thinkmits time for me to focus in places where I can help people instead of just jumping into a mosh pit.

@DavidLaDeau i admire your proactive approach, David.

From the "About Us" page:
We hope to provide a safe place for people to share their thoughts and opinions, get involved in causes, keep up with news, and even meet others. We are not necessarily an anti-religion website.

I'm good with Atheism but wonder where you folks derive the idea that Agnostic is = to Atheism? We are free to discuss Atheism but it's not in the page's name (as some claim) so I fail understand where the assertion that this site is about Atheism comes from.

@rainmanjr makes you wonder why they bothered to called it in the first place, although I remember when the site info said a site for people who were good without religion. It seems it is becoming a mini-me facebook. Just for the record, I wouldn't touch Facebook with a 50 foot pole. Never have. Never will.


(Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm only funning you.)


Be free and enjoy your journey, my friend. Learn good things.


I purposely avoid all the posts bringing up theology....maybe you should filter it so you only see those.


You are making an incorrect assumption. That because the site is called Agnostoc/Atheist that we should be discussing religion. The fact remains that many of us on here prefer not to discuss anything that is akin to religion.

Religion doesn't play out anywhere in our lives, so why should we talk about. You are making the false premise that because we are atheist, that our atheism has anything to do with religion. I am a scientist and defined as an atheist because it is a handy title, but GOD is totally irrelevant to my beliefs and existence

Hopefully, the discussion, while occasionally caustic, and occasionally petty, is a lot more well thought out than Facebook. The individuals on this site most often can put together an argument that has some logic and rational behind it.

I too find god talk irrelevant to my life. I can say with absolute certainty that since I joined this site, I have encountered endless discussion about religion, god, spirituality, the exact definition of the terms atheist /agnostic, and the open antagonism which flares up between those who identify as one or the other. This I find surprising, as it’s much more than I have ever experienced anywhere else, as a lifelong atheist.

@t1nick People can discuss whatever they like. If someone doesn't like that, they can leave. That is what the OP did.


Sure they can. I was addressing an implicit assumption in the original posters message. Your awful touchy today.

@t1nick I'm not touchy. I was referring to the OP as well. No offense intended to you or anybody else.


I respect what you come here for and am sad you feel the need to leave. I myself don’t care to have any theological or philosophical discussions. I actually come here to escape all that — I get tired of hearing about religion and Jesus and god and all that. It’s kind of funny that we come here for exactly opposite things.

Well said. I'm sad that since COVID-19 my favourite local group "Beer not God" is not meeting. Very little religious discussion, just beer.

Meanwhile... Memes? They are everywhere on the Internet but I really don't see a lot here relative to the rest of social media. It is trivial to ignore them, and I would suggest if you obsess about them your subscribing to the wrong groups and reading the wrong posts.

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