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Things that I’m concerned about these days, where before I’d have been tempted to “pray” about, I find myself almost meditating about. Just making sure I’ve done everything I know to do, then I can rest easy. At first I felt out of sorts not being able to pray and feel like I was doing something. The more I get away from that hollow habit the better I’ve been feeling. Not sure if I’m sharing exactly what I mean. Is or has anyone else had a similar type of transition away from a traditional prayer worship?

Howitstarts23 6 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I’m having serious issues with my 17 year old. I sometimes wish I could “let go and let god”


Hey Man , think it was Gandhi who said something to the affect of prayer being an expression of the soul ( i say mine to the Universe ) religion didn’t invent prayer.. if it helps you / do it

hexx Level 3 Apr 11, 2018

Never prayed as a child.


A moment of pause does wonders as I usually get the answer to something when I stop thinking about it


Your positive thoughts are still helping. Think about how we are all connected in the same energy field and how anything you think affects the entire universe. Nothing happens that isn't imagined first.

"For physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." -Einstein.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics


Yeah, I was in the same space. I've gone to the point now where I just get irritated if someone says they're praying for me or anyone else. I feel like saying "why don't you just do something"?

I can completly relate

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