4 3
- World Freedom Alliance, wfa, first meeting, nov 2020, to stop medical fraud and overtoxic vaccines. These folks may not be completely right, but at least try to stop a big fraud. See also All CosmoRatioPantheism for TerraProtectivity. Stop global toxinazimafias!
tipi 7 Dec 5

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Perhaps when throwing the bathwater (World Freedom Alliance) out the denigrators (like RT media report denigrators) should actually read some of their publications rather than focus on personal traits and foibles of individual committee members.

I was impressed by the elegant erudite phrase "bodily integrity". To me it is concise, all inclusive and honest.

There is no integrity in being forced to accept a vaccination that results from research that does not result in: “Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.”

Ping @Powder, @GirlWithSmiles, @Petter,

As far as am aware, in the UK where vaccination has begun there is no force or compulsion being employed, it is a purely voluntary treatment available to those who desire it.
As in all things choices have consequences and there is ample reliable information available for both options, without resorting to unofficial provocatively and emotively named organisation dedicated to the spread of unsubstantiated propaganda.

However if a person really wishes to chose to believe that every government in the world is conspiring together (despite that fact many of them are at war with one another) to put forth a criminal agenda reliant on a hoax plague that does not exist, to ruin every economy in the world , so they can force everyone to be injected with smart nanotech spy drones for god only knows what purpose. And that almost every epidemiologist on the globe is party to and complicit in this fiendish plot then fine and dandy, but to reiterate "As in all things choices have consequences"

@LenHazell53 Are they saying that it is s hoax plague. I haven't seen it. The paper I quote argues that the vaccine has not been developed with logical conclusion of "first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.”
That to me is no less ridiculous than the edict that walkers have to wear facemasks but puffing panting infected breath spewing joggers & bike riders don't have to!

Mads Palsvig, is a notorious, perhaps even infamous proponent of the "hoaxer" nonsense as is Martin Byrne.

The Irish Times June 20th

Prof Dolores Cahill claimed that lockdown and social distancing were not needed to stop the spread of the virus, and that “politicians and the media” were using the pandemic “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick and to force vaccinations on us”.

They may as well have has David Icke and Alex Jones on the Panel.

@LenHazell53 Len, is the Irish Times owned by Murdoch or in the same league as Billy's Weekly Liar a rag sold on Blackpool promenade to keep Scottish, E.Lancs & Midlands holidaymkers entertained in the sixties.

I tink I had my credibility stretched by the Irish lawyer on the panel. Are your quotes amongst the papers put out by the organisation?

I have to confess to not having had time to read them all.

@LenHazell53 further information:

Flawed paper behind Covid-19 testing faces being retracted, after scientists expose its ten fatal problems []


Delores Cahill former vice chair of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) was "requested" to resigned from position after revelations about her association with violent Alt Right groups.

Heiko Schöning, M.D arrested numerous times for defying rules related to public gathering and endangering life.

Maneka JC Helleberg self professed Freedompreneur and internet "New earth" self help guru

Martin Byrne AKA Randy Roxx failed X factor contestant and heavy metal singer

Mads Palsvig, former Banker from Morgan Stanley(no longer employed), founder of Danish political party called JFK21 noted self professed "conspiracy theorists". JFK21” ~ “Earth Freedom Knowledge”, and has been revealing conspiracy secrets about hidden agendas orchestrated by elite “banksters” and members of secret societies, who “run the world” behind the scenes and who are responsible for the covid "hoax" to enable vaccination to implant tracking chips in everyone.

Fiona Hine, Political Activist and Events Manager, Founder of CoviLeaks (a blog for anonymous bloggers to sahre the "Truth" about the covid "Hoax" unchallenged) a twice arrested lock down breaker, former catering manager now bankrupt

Yup a fine upstanding group of failures, arrestees, firees, new age weirdos and Alt right mouth pieces, I can hardly wait to avoid their next broadcast.

And here it is Len


Antivaxxers are worse than Flatearthers. Those who believe the earth is flat are mostly harmless lunatic fringe. Antivaxxers jeopardize the safety of this planet. The Sars-2Cov vaccines that are beginning to rollout won't be able to end the scourge of Covid unless 70% of the population agrees to get inoculated. Dolores Cahill,, the rest of those idiots on that panel and those who they misinform are the same morons who refuse to wear masks and call Covid-19 a hoax.

@tipi Vaccines work. Conspiracy theories against vaccines are killing people. Measles was eradicated world wide, as was Polio, because of the vaccines. Because of these stupid, stupid, stupid parents who refuse to inoculate their kids, they are making a comeback.

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