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Huge winds today all day and all night. Kind of scary listening to it banging about when lying in my bed, all alone and not even a cat do I own.

Jolanta 9 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Take another cruise!

I wish.


Wild weather can be scary. One way round it is to have a bad weather buddy. The idea being that if things are rough, you can phone one another and thereby hear a voice. An animal is a much bigger commitment.


Cats are great companions. Why don't you get one?

I have been thinking of either a cat or a dog or both, however at the moment I am busy de cluttering my place to get ready to sell my house.

@Jolanta Dogs and cats don't mind the clutter, but if you are selling your house it could be a problem. Where do you plan on moving to?

@gemini1947 I am moving into a smaller place. This one is just too big for me. Far too much cleaning and far too much upkeep and too much gardening.

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