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Would you support a worldwide one-child policy?

waitingforgodo 8 Dec 6

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I would if it came with information as to why and the means of state/global funded family planning services.


I would support a voluntary one.


No. I WOULD support a worldwide secular child policy to protect all children from all religions however it would take a worse fascist dictatorship globally to enforce your idea or mine forcing not stopping abortions STERILIZATION and searching the planet tracking women hiding pregnant THOUGHT POLICE to keep religious nuts away from kids


One child policies fuck so much shit up it's unbelievable. As much as I think all people should stop having children altogether, I can't support a policy like that.


Not if it had to be enforced no. Encouraging people to have one or no children yes.


Did you ask to exist? Did anyone ask you if you wanted to exist in this pathetic crap?

There should be a no-child policy. People are obviously forced to exist because of what their parents do. This violates the right of the person to be able to stay non-existent and for ever be in non-existance with the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God.

People are being forced to exist and forced existence must come to an end to protect people from being forced to exist is such pathetic crap that no one asked for.

Total reproductive abstinence or abortion for everyone.

Word Level 8 Dec 6, 2020
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