If the world allows, my son and I will be headed to Alaska’s BearCamp in the summer. We’re nature and wildlife people, so this should be amazing!
Here’s a neat video of BearCamp:
Wow, I love traveling to Alaska, too. I attended BearCamp last year and had a ton of experiences and emotions. Traveling is a way for me to relax and gain strength. When I travel, I am inspired by the people's culture, the beauty of nature, and the atmosphere of the place. Alaska is a place that has incredible power. The first time I was there, I was shocked at how beautiful the views were. Even the air seemed different there. By the way, do you like to read travel blogs? I often read the blog [travel-shark.com], where I find relevant travel information. It's a great way to prepare for travel.
Take mosquito repellent! LOTS of it! And...take a bag of meat tenderizer! (Really!) If you're bitten, wet your skin (spit works nicely) and rub some meat tenderizer into your skin. The papaya works quickly to remove that itch! You'll thank me!
What clever advice. Thank you!
@Apunzelle Advice well-learned! I've been to Borneo, too! Anyway...I have a zip-lock bag with meat tenderizer that lives in my travel necessitites.
Wow, I love traveling to Alaska, too. I attended BearCamp last year and had a ton of experiences and emotions. Traveling is a way for me to relax and gain strength. When I travel, I am inspired by the people's culture, the beauty of nature, and the atmosphere of the place. Alaska is a place that has incredible power. The first time I was there, I was shocked at how beautiful the views were. Even the air is different there. By the way, do you like to read travel blogs? I often read the blog travel-shark.com , where I find relevant travel information. It's a great way to prepare for travel.