Yesterday around this time I get home from work. I check my mail and I found a personal letter in my mailbox. I opened it and it was from the Jahovah’s W. I ripped it off and t the trash.
Today the same thing!
They know my full name my address. It makes me mad!
How dare them go to that extent! I always dislike this organizations, because they waste all this in their propaganda instead of helping people that really need help.
I am including a picture ofthis nonsense!
The poor delusional idiots see it as them trying to help you save your own soul. I think I will start sending application forms for FFRF to my local Kingdom Hall.
Two parties can play at the game of calling each other "total fucking idiotic crazies".
I wish I could listen to my dad talking to religious people. It would have made a great youtube video.
Don't be annoyed by them learn to smile like the Dali lama . Think impermanence.
My old man too.
One time he came out pretending that he was about to pee on them.