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Republicans and trumplicans are drawing from the bottom of the barrel in their choice of political leadership. They must have trolled from all the bottom feeders and chose the lowest of low to lead them. So sad.

The declarations and statemenrs that have come from the mouth of the supposed conservative leadership at all levels, has not only demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge of the Constitution, the organization of our Republic, and most important issues of the day. The plethora of ignorance is both startling and worrisome.

t1nick 8 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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We don't have to worry about Republicans as much as we have to worry about what we are doing to ourselves like allowing Republicans to help us destroy, allow them to label us easily, choose and celebrate lousy leaders like Bernie Sanders, talk about extreme socialist ideas and silly ideas like Defund the Police. We lost Senate and House seats in 2020 because of our own stupidity.

The Labels we have Allowed Republicans to Stick to Us

  1. Socialists
  2. Communists
  3. Elitist,
  4. Condescending to uneducated, common man
  5. Mostly immigrants and black voters
  6. Unpatriotic
  7. Just a coastal party (don't understand America's heartland, out of touch)
  8. Godless people
  9. Don't have a regard for family values
  10. Baby killers
  11. Tax and spend party
  12. Re-distributors of wealth
  13. Anti-rich
  14. Occupy Wall-streeters
  15. Giving the country away to the UN

It is true words count. Those labels did cost us votes and seats. But conversely, maybe we should demand more education and intellect from the conservative herd. Dismiss those and refuse access to air waves to those that are pandering to obvious conspiracies and lies. Refuse by just not giving them the airwaves time they crave. Doesn't have to be any polocy, just an adopted practice.


When we keep losing and allow enemy to get stronger and become a pain the ass.... Should we blame the enemy or take a look at who is leadIng us so badly into this misery?


Both. Seek for higher standards all the way around.


Enemy is not going to change. Their goal is to beat us back at every step and win. Do you think expecting the enemy to follow our ways is a pragmatic expectation and will work? The Confederate states still do not accept MLK national holiday. I know, live in Texas and met people who don't even call MLK Blvd by name, they call it 18th Street. We have been expecting them to show civility for 200 years after kicking their ass. Have they been doing it?


I hear. No real expectations.


Earlier tonight, some fucking moron suggested succession.
Said states that support the Constitution should band together.

Funny thing, the assholes who brought this stupid case clearly had NO evidence and absolutely NO understanding of the Constitution.

Alito and Thomas, two staunch conservatives, rejected it.
There were NO dissenting opinions.
Not even among his appointees.

The dissent was just an argument related to state-to-state jurisdiction. It had nothing to do with any item being presented in the brief. The last sentence underscored this fact.

@t1nick There was no evidence presented, because there is none to present.

SCOTUS missed an opportunity to express just how frivolous the suit was.

I hope every lawyer involved with bringing all of these ridiculous lawsuits face sanctions.


Agreed. Alto and Thomas have a particular interest in state-to-state issues. They were part of an interstate case between Arizona and California where they took interest and remain involved in state-to-state issues. Their dissent was a procedural question only.

This case was determined "not with standing" as no evidence was presented where Texas was harmed as younpoint out.


We need to stop blaming politicians and start looking more at ourselves also.

The easy thing is to blame them.

It's so obvious when you put it like that. I had not thought of it that way before. Thank you for sharing.

I have no trouble working along side conservatives going forward. They can prove themselves going forward by their words and actions. But I do not havevto forgive them until they have demonstrated their worthiness.


That such intellectual degenerates get into positions of power says a lot about the electorate.

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