13 3

You guys! Wish me luck @ the casino, I go all the time and never win any jackpots 😩

sandrarocks83 7 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Cerchi un buon casinò online in Italia? Sei in cerca di un'emozione unica e vuoi provare a vincere un jackpot? Allora non cercare oltre, perché qui ti consiglieremo i migliori casinò [] online italiani, dove potrai giocare in sicurezza e divertirti al massimo.


Hey there! Good luck at the casino! Remember, gambling is all about having fun and taking risks. Winning a jackpot is exciting, but don't let it be the sole focus of your experience. And if luck isn't on your side, don't be too hard on yourself. There's always next time! By the way, have you ever tried playing at a canlı casino? They offer live casino games and can add to the excitement of your gambling experience.


Go to the site [] and relax


Many people believe that success in the casino is measured exclusively in money, that is, the amount that goes to the gamer's account due to his victories in entertaining games and slots. And they don't put various titles of winning free tournaments, as well as success in card competitions and roulette, in the category of special achievements if the gamer loses more, rather than earns as a result of such a game. There may be some truth to this. And while many gamblers prefer to play for fun, a true professional measures true success in a different way. It is by following these tactics that I make good money. And thanks to bonza spins withdrawal time I have almost daily.


I have been playing at the same casinos for over a year, and they have all been great. Still, I have noticed that they are all so different in terms of their games, promotions, and customer service. I have had some really great experiences playing at some of these casinos. Still, every time I go back, there are always new games that I want to try out or new promotions that I want to take advantage of. With such a wide variety of games available on the internet, it is hard to keep track of them all. So, I always read Canadian casino reviews because they are the most honest, and there I can find all the pros and cons.


Damn, dude, I'm really sorry. I certainly wish you good luck in the casino, but I think that this is not enough. It's strange to me how you still play in a casino if you never win anything. First, you need to choose a verified casino. It must also be reliable. On, you can find tips on choosing a good online casino. At one time, thanks to this review, I chose a good casino where I could win. Plus, it's important to be able to stop. It is very important.


Luck, and basketball is no exception. I say so as I bet all the time. It used to be only in casinos.

Then I found [] and learned a lot. The main outcomes of the match include a team win. But bookmakers can offer a small variety of this bet. It is possible to meet the outcome of the match including extra time, but the odds for such bets are mostly lower, due to their greater reliability.


Well, to start with you gotta bet more than a dime on every spin. Although I have won hand-pay jackpots on bets less than a dollar.


I hit a little $15,000 jack pot few years ago in west Windover NV. Then, near Chicago a couple years ago, I won 3 jackpots in about 2 hours, $17,800, $6,800 and $3,200. I managed to walk out with $25,000 cash in hand. The picture is $25,000 all Bills of 100 dollars.

Word Level 8 Dec 12, 2020



I lost... again.... but thank you all anyway 😊


We are all praying for you to win!!! LOL
And if that works, we will pray that you will share it with us.

""Take man's most fantastic invention - God."/


When I was a child my father had slot machines in his nightclub. They were illegal. I'll always remember the day I walked inside the bar area and found him on the floor underneath one of the slot machines. I asked him what he was doing and he said I'm fixing this damn thing so it'll quit bleeding money.I was only about six or seven but every time I see a slot machine that image and conversation appears so I've never expected to win which is a good thing for me because I never play.
I do realize that casinos have rules about fixing their machines regarding payoffs but I also know those rules do not keep them from winning the majority of the time.
The excitement for the possibility of winning is worth it to some people so I hope you have fun.

That’s exactly it! The excitement of the possibility!

@sandrarocks83 ask a tribe who owns a casino how an Atheist can win a 800 dollar jackpot while not wasting more than 50 buck$ trying ..... the music and the noise in a busy casino is deafening to me so I play blackjack or craps win or lose 20 dollar limit....pays for my buffet if I win and I go to Ruby Tuesday for a vegan buffet for 8 dollars if I lose my General Jackson


No body ever wins in a casino. Think about it this way.
If we were friends and we met every night, with, say, a couple of other friends, to play, let us say poker. Then one night I said. "I want to change the rules of the game. We play our usual fair game. But, before we start, I am permitted to take the aces out of the pack, and keep them in my pocket so that I can use them when I like." "You will agree to do this because, I am such a good person, I should win more often than everybody else, and therefore if you do this, it will help me to do so. Sorry if it costs you a bit."

You would, I think, very quickly tell me where to go. And you would be right to do so. Yet here is the rub, if you would not agree to play a rigged game, with a friend, who cares about you, and may have a real need for the money. Why would you be happy to go somewhere and play in games, which you know have their rules distorted in favour of complete strangers, whose only interest in you is to make money out of you, far beyond what it costs to lay on a few glittery lights and some space heating, to swell their already huge bank balances.

I wish you luck always, and if you play in a charity lottery, for example, doubly, I am not opposed to games or a puritan, but a little imagination can make far more out of spare money.

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