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BLM and Antifa protesters were beaten viciously by police. They were hit with flashbangs, rubber bullets, and tear gas. SOme of them lost eyes. They were taken into custody by unmarked agents unconstitutionally.

When it's MAGA, the cops put up token resistance and then practically invite them into the Capital Building. Cops were seen socializing and even taking selfies with rioters.

The MAGA crowd and the fraternal order of blue brotherhood have a lot of shared interests. They are natural allies.

RoboGraham 8 Jan 6

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Both groups are made up of people with extremely authoritarian personality types, otherwise they wouldn't have joined said groups.


And I'm supposed to feel surprised? If the rioters today were black or brown they would have immediately been met with gunfire, even if the cops were outnumbered and dozens would have been killed. Aryan fascists of a feather stick together..


Once again we have to accept that there is no such thing as white privilege.

Come again?

Are you being sarcastic? This is the epitome of white privilege. If this had been a BLM breach there would've been scores of demonstrators shot to death.

@barjoe Sorry, I'm Canadian so it could only be meant as sarcastic.

@Surfpirate sArCaSm

@barjoe Although ironic would also apply, considering how all men are created equal in the US, it says so in the Declaration of Independence. 😉

@Surfpirate Some of us are deducted to that proposition.




Even Romney blamed tRump.


This is beyond belief. Every politician and Trump contributing to this hateful violence should be arrested for inciting violence. WTF is wrong with these people.

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