Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of Inauguration Day
“Trump or war. Today. That simple.”
“If you don't know how to shoot: You need to learn. NOW.”
“We will storm the government buildings, cops, security guards, federal employees and agents, and demand a recount.”
“We are seeing chatter from these supremacists, from these far-right extremists — they feel emboldened in this moment ....We fully expect that this violence could actually get worse before it gets better.”
"We are seeing ... chatter from these white supremacists, from these far-right extremists -- they feel emboldened in this moment," said Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League," Which groups are they referring to? How are they "seeing chatter" and not addressing the concerns to the platform operators, flagging posts?
@linxminx Parler is down. Why is this article so deliberately vague in identifying the WHO, WHAT, WHEN WHERE. You know how many idiotic comments are posted online? If you judged by things people said online, you would surely have a deluded sense of reality. I feel this vague reporting is highly irresponsible, unethical possibly.
Pelosi is provoking TrumpOLINi voters when she could admit Pennsylvania and 5 other states should be INVESTIGATED for exactly how many illegal votes were counted against the PRESIDENT.... the election of Lincoln in all free states enraged the slave states and S Carolina seceded 15 December 1860 weeks before the Electors were counted SLAVERY WAS LEGAL THEN now illegal votes are being counted ....the demonRATs are the extremist racists blaming the Green Party for Jeb Bush terrorizing 50 thousand blacks away from polls....19 states kicked off my Atheist Green WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US off ballots illegally....no single Green invaded Congress Wednesday but both Antifa and pissed off rethuglicans did according to Pelosi plan to blame TrumpOLINI for her violent charade
There is no doubt it will get worse. As the country becomes less white and less christian.
Are you saying the country will get worse because it’s becoming less white and less christian?
@Apunzelle Oh no. I’m saying the Neo Nazi, white nationalist problem will get worse.
@SeaRay215ex Oh thank goodness. Because I was like whaaaaaat? Lol.
If this indeed develops into a new civil war, it will be interesting and tragically comical to see American "refugees" trying to get to Canada or Mexico the same way we have witnessed Middle Eastern countries and other countries around the world, refugees trying to escape their wars.
I’m ready for anything. Whoever attempts anything will get splashed with acid. I carry it with me everywhere I go hidden in a bottle.
The Wall was to keep us in. So us liberals could be mowed down trying to flee. That was its purpose.
Yet, there are still those who insist there is ample justification for all of this.
One of them just blocked me a little while ago, after I told her she was full of shit.
Old proverb; To use logic with the illogical is in itself illogical.
Amazing at how delusional these people are. It's almost like their bodies have been taken over by another entity. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, trump style.
This just reminded me, I had a discussion with a trumper tonight--this guy refers to 45 as his god--no shit. These people are actually treating him like a deity.
@BlackDove As far as their brains? Old proverb; easy to move into empty house when no ones home.