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"The attempt to justify an evil deed has perhaps more pernicious consequences than the evil deed itself. The justification of a past crime is the planting and cultivation of future crimes. Indeed, the repetition of a crime is sometimes part of a device of justification: we do it again and again to convince ourselves and others that it is a common thing and not an enormity." - Eric Hoffer - (Author of the True Believer)

If you walked up to an adult on the street and informed them that priests molest children, in all probability, you would not get a reaction of surprise or shock. Not holding these criminals accountable has caused this attitude to be commonplace. People, especially believers, have become so desensitized to this fact that they are accustomed to it. It is the same with other cruelties that religion or controlling powers have forced upon people. When people refuse to hold accountable those who have committed injustice against them, it becomes normalized, they expect to be wronged, to have their freedoms and civil rights violated, they become accustomed to this pattern.

Here is an example: The Catholic Church has acquitted an HIV-infected priest who has admitted to raping close to 30 young girls between the ages of five and 10 years old. - []

The Journal Times: # Cwik: GOP needs to be held accountable

"This past week has been surreal. We watched as the president encouraged violence and then saw his supporters follow through. Now we are watching the GOP change the narrative so they are not at fault. This, from the party who claims to be about personal responsibility, Christian values and law and order.

The focus of the GOP, for years, has been to lie to their constituents to create fear and sow division. They have refused to hold Trump accountable for his words and actions so long as they can retain power. They claim no responsibility for any of it. Lying is okay if I get what I want. An officer dead, he was in the way so it doesn’t matter. For some in the GOP they have lost their moral compass. The need to lie and create fear to control people to stay in power is greater than doing what is right.

It is time for us to hold the GOP accountable for their actions. They must take responsibility for what they say and do, they must embrace truth and honesty and they must atone to the nation for being the cause of our disfunction.

Trump needs to be removed from office post haste and all republicans who spewed the false narrative that our election was fraudulent need to be severely reprimanded. Only then can we begin to heal and move forward as a nation."

Susan Cwik, Burlington

Article: []

nogod4me 8 Jan 13

Enjoy being online again!

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There must be accountability, and consequences. I just posted a piece that includes info. on congresspeople who helped foment the insurrection: []

Just read it, excellent article!

@nogod4me Thanks.


Yep, it is not always a good world.

It will get better as we hold them accountable.

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