Reading the Club about Johnson, Boswell and friends. Jolhnson once said to friend Hester Thrale,'The solitary mortal is certainly luxurious, probably superstitious and possibly mad." Johnson's dictionary defines luxurious as lustful; libidinous and voluptuous; enslaved to pleasure.
Interesting from Johnson, who was a groveling believer in the literal truth of the bible and orthodox christian belief.
O most insatiate and luxurious woman!
LUXU'RIOUS. a. [luxurieux, Fr. luxurio.
fui, Latin.]
5. Softening by pleaſure, Dryden.
6. Lv!xuriant ; exuberant. Milton.
LUXU'RIOUSLY. ad. ['rota hxurous.]
Delicioully ; voluptuouſly. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
LUXURY. ʃ. [It^xurij, Latin.]