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I just signed up on a new (for me) dating site. The entry questions/personality test were quite unique in my experience. At the end of it, after uploading my photos, a question came up:

What is the one thing my partner should know about me?

I LOVE what came to my mind at this point, because it's so true, so me, and so succinct. I wrote,

"For me, our physical, emotional, and spiritual closeness are the main reasons for and the highest priorities in our relationship, because without these three things, all in very good to excellent order, there is no we."

EarnestEccentric 7 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Be careful what u include because the women may very well put u in a pre conceived category

my advice would be try to be mysterious at the start

get her wanting more of you but not giving her any

i know that sounds messed up but the feminine imperative is just that

sry man i don't wanna read all that and u got it twisted

i recently took the red pill and it taught me a lot about the feminine imperative

protect ur inner comfort and peace of mind, don't be a simp!

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