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It surprises me that we have so many Atheists on a site called are my Snake-Handler's at?...hehe

JohnnyThorazine 7 Nov 29

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I'm an agnostic atheist. I'm surprised by the number of humanist who are afraid to say they are atheist.


Agnostics are very tolerant

but we love the debate cuz that's where we learn, which, I believe should be the goal of every agnostic, knowledge is infinite and we will never even have a speck, but we can try..and that's where the fun is, the trying....being very trying...hehe


We are all in denial !!

mzee Level 7 Nov 29, 2017

The line between agnostic and atheist can be very thin. I, like I think most who identify as atheist, am also agnostic. I don't believe any gods exist, but I cannot know that none exist. And, because I do not have that belief, I identify more as an atheist. Perhaps, the average atheist simply sees the probability of the existence of a god as much lower than the average agnostic. And , any atheist who claims to know there is no god being is not being intellectually honest to her/his self--imho. However, as I have stated before, I think one can know that specific, man made, gods cannot exist.

Psilovybin: When I apply agnostic to myself, it is not saying that I am waiting for proof as I do not think any proof, either way, is possible. It is simply an acknowledgement that I accept that I cannot know (except for specific gods). I do not reject god as I do not believe there is anything to reject. And, on my scale, the probability of there being a god is so low I cannot identify as being simply agnostic; so, agnostic atheist best describes me.


I think most atheists are comfortable with agnostics. I don't know that the reverse is true, so I am happy that the site has chosen the "more acceptable" of the two terms. This really is the anti-dogma site as far as I'm concerned. With Silvereyes asking random questions and other posting their frustrations with dogma and proselytizing this site seems to be becoming a community firmly opposed to dogma. Even the negative reaction to a negative proposal yesterday shows me that dogma is what we all oppose, so I think it is good to advertise the site as somewhere for both agnostics and atheists.

I have had more issues with atheists than other religious folk. 'Fence sitter' was my favorite term of endearment. As for dogma, we all have it, I have a very strict dogmatic honor not have 'dogma' is to be unreliable. If by dogma, you mean specific religious systems you are against, that is a prejudice to specific dogma and not anti-dogmatic. To give you an example, in my dogma, I follow the simple golden rule, due unto fits most situations. I have a very complicated code of honor as well. This would all be considered dogmatic.

I have always associated dogma with an "external authority" and under that definition I see it as problematic. A personal code should be written by the internal authority, even if informed from outside sets of rules and opinions. You should not do unto other because someone else told you to, but grasp the wisdom of the statement and use it to guide your internal code. The golden rule is only one of the guiding principles in your life and your "code" should place other rules above or below it as you see fit. Perhaps we work from different definitions of dogma, but that is the one I am familiar with.


It did say in the advertisement for atheists as well.

I never saw the advertisement. Just the (or there may be a chance that I clicked on the logo before reading said advertisement....I think I will keep that plausibly deniable.)

It was on FB.

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