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Life is to short to wait for love to come to you. That’s why we are all here searching.

AdamExtine 3 Jan 29

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Ur not searching if ur a woman

ur riding the CC and keeping ur standards sky high and then hitting the wall

its simple biology and what we have become

woman have the ability to pick as they please, even if theyre fat n nasty

dating is dead

There is, sadly, some truth to what you are saying. Dating in the traditional sense is mostly dead, as many men are getting demoralized by fruitless attempts to pursue women in the mating ritual while women sit back and wait to be approached. When too many of the women maintain standards that are too high, many of the men give up. Both sexes then often end up alone and frustrated, while the high value men and women continue on their merry way, enjoying the perks and privileges that come with being above average looking or better. They end up being mostly the only ones continuing to do traditional dating and they are the ones having most of the sex in the singles scene. The rest of us become frustrated, disgruntled spectators...

Update: After some further thought, I can see maybe one way out of this, tho it's not likely to happen, since it would involve people acting against their biological instincts in favor of their rational intellect. And that would be for men to start choosing women that are lower than their own ranking on the looks scale while women started choosing men that also are lower on the looks scale than them AND also lower than them in their status as far as power, money, and success. Not very likely to happen with either sex as a general trend.

Because, despite the denials and virtue posturing by members of both sexes about how they are not so shallow to base their choices of partners significantly or even largely based on looks and sexual attraction, the awful truth is that BOTH sexes want to find a partner that is at least at their same level of looks, if not higher than them on the so-called 1-10 scale. The end result, everybody ends up looking mainly for partners among those who are on the upper end of the scale, namely the 7-9s.

I know of no real answers or way out of this. See update above....


women are the gatekeepers to sex, men are the gatekeepers to relationships

a women can kill a man and his life in many ways

the numbers don't lie man

i can appreciate ur reply and knowledge

im so happy i don't lay up at night thinking about a woman

theres no upside to getting married

if u can think of one let me know

@HeAdAkE You are right about much of this, but not about marriage. Mine lasted for two decades, even tho the last several years of it were hell most of the time, as my wife developed dementia. But even with that ending, the whole experience was worth it. It made me a better person, even tho the dementia experience just about broke me emotionally. So I have to disagree with you about marriage. In my case, we both gained much from it and it was worth it for both of us. Your mileage, however, may vary...Marriage is, or at least can be, whatever two people make of it, regardless of what society, the church, or the law think it should be... It's important to remember that.


sry for the delay i just read ur msg

ur right and i can appreciate what ur saying

the truth is i can't imagine what it is like and im happy if ur happy with what u got outa life and where ur at

i found the red pill philosophy and it is exactly what i needed at the time and im riding it out i think because i know too much at this point and its 2021

are u dating ?

@HeAdAkE Nope. To put it simply, I tried online dating for two years on Match and pretty much was spinning my wheels until I met a woman from there in Sept. of 2019. We dated for about six months while I dropped out of Match, but the relationship didn't work out and we called it quits when Covid hit in March 2020. Since then, I've been sitting it out from Match and dating because of Covid. I plan to renew my paid membership sometime this summer after I get vaccinated. No point wasting money on Match until then.

@TomMcGiverin again i can appreciate that and im probably gonna be lonely perhaps but im really enjoying the fact that i love my autonomy and i don't have the thirst anymore

am i scared of being old and lonely?

no, im scared of being paralyzed in a complicit passionless marriage

most tend to get fat as well after they get ya hooked πŸ˜› just what i heard not my words πŸ˜‰

ya i should add that the times have changed

relationships arent what they used to be thats for sure

ive had a gf all my life cuz im quite handsome but after this last break up my eyes are now seeing the world thru red pill lenses

@TomMcGiverin indeed sir

its called the SMV graph

sexual market value for a man is peek 35-40 while women peek at 20-25

ppl will alledge that im misogonist or whatever but im just spittin facts here

ppl often forget that we are merely mammal and biology is everything
a 9 smv man will bang a 6 smv female

men are meant to spread their seed they are not meant to be monogamous



@HeAdAkE I tried embracing my autonomy, as you put it, when I was living as a single from my early 20s to when I met my late wife in 1995. Those years from then until 2011 were the best and happiest years of my adult life. I am not going to just settle for permanently going back to those years between college and 1995, because, unlike then, I no longer have youth on my side and I know that I am happier with a partner than I am single. It's the way I'm wired. Watch the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Some of us need hope, even if it's false, in order to cope and survive. I have no hope about religion or afterlife. I need some hope about better times ahead in this life, or else, why go on?

@HeAdAkE I agree with your analysis and, trust me on this, I have made the same kind of points on this forum and gotten slammed big time by the bitter single feminists here, most of whom have since moved on. I got called a misogynist constantly and blocked by several women. While many or even most men will have sex with a woman or even choose a partner for a relationship that includes sex that is a couple points or more lower than them on the graph, that is not me. Maybe I just have a lower sex drive, maybe it's cuz I'm old, I dunno, but I am not interested in choosing a mate or even having sex with a woman that is more than a point lower than me on the graph, because I just don't find them attractive enough. That was part of why my last dating relationship ended after six months. I just couldn't see a lasting attraction for me. I know that sounds cold to the women reading this, but at least I didn't keep stringing someone along....


i can appreciate ur words tom


i love shawshank, that movie stands the test of time eh

get busy livin' or get busy dyin'

i hold that one close cuz i have MS and my world is alot of work and its so important to build good habits πŸ™‚


i noticed that it can almost be childish in here

ppl tend to wanna gang up and try hard to get likes even if its absurd

i don't mind having a strong ppersonality but i never ever intentionally try to make anybody feel bad, as im sure u have learned about me thus far πŸ™‚

  1. This is not a dating website.
  2. "To" and "too" are two entirely different words.

u made me think of this

They're Their There Thurr

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