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Just saw a headline on a singles app. "No crackheads or atheists please" I immediately started laughing. That woman is so stuck up gawd's ass that she puts atheists in the same breath as crackheads.

Never have I seen an atheist or agnostic put in their headline "no crackheads or Christians."

Sometimes their bigotry just gets amusing.

redhog 7 Feb 2

Enjoy being online again!

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whats ironic is that women will always write "no hookups" in their profile and yet they will bang the alpha for free on the first meeting if she gets the tingles*

never listen to what she says, look at what she does! words of wisdom for all ages guys*


I will need to add "no crackheads or Christians." to all future online dating.


She will end up old with cats if shes not already there

its a sad state of affairs to what the modern westernized woman has become

i hate to admit it but the tradcon woman may be the only sure thing these days


Atheist & crackheads are both likely to confront her fragile beliefs. Neither are afraid of dying and going to hell. One doesn't believe in it, the other is already there.

Accurate AF


Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up crack ...


From my experience with atheists and religious believers, it's the believers who are more like crackheads that anybody else. Religion is a lot closer to whackhead crackheads than straight-thinking agnostics and atheists.


Yes indeed.😉


Same as it ever was. Look at the bright side, ruled her out pretty quickly


Given that all God Mobsters are crackheads ...

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