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Montreal taxing churches...

phxbillcee 10 Apr 14

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This is bass-ackwards. They should tax the parts used for private club activities, just like any other private club. They should only exempt from taxes, the parts used for actual public charity, like running a no-strings-attached soup kitchen or a jobs training program or something.

It looks like a proposal that got out of hand. They tried to tax them across the board maybe and someone worked in an exemption for the churchy parts, which is exactly defeating the purpose.

So I'm not really on board with this one.

Granted, not perfect legislation, but the door is cracked. I'd like to see all churches treated the same as any other "supposed" non-profit organization & get tax breaks for documented charitable work, & taxed on anything else!


Great first step but they need to tax the entire property not excude the area used for deluded devotions.

This is a great start. When will the US ever do this?

Agreed, a first step only, but there is now a foot in the door!

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