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Any Sapiosexuals here?

Sporty 5 Apr 14

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Probably quite a few of us, and I had to look it up too, although I did have an idea from the origin of the word.


I think intelligence is my #1 attractive quality in a partner these days. I need to share my political and social views with someone. Knowledge of current world events is sexy to me.

Does every premise belong to you?

Thats who I am-what's your problem?


I'd say most of us here would be considered sapiosexual. Anyone without questions about life, the universe, and everything, would be uninteresting!

Forty two. Now that that is settled, are you a good kisser?


Wow I didn't know I was one until just now! Yes, intelligence and wit are at the top of my list. And I have turned down dates with some really attractive men because I wasn't connecting with them in conversation.


I suspect that the vast majority of people here are sapiosexuals. I've been with attractive and less than brilliant women. It was frustrating.

And yes, (sigh). I had to look up sapiosexual before commenting.


I definitely identify as one. I look for those with depth as well as breadth of interest in the world around them. I say "interest" instead of knowledge because I am not interested in only facts. Facts are great but I can often look things up - I consider wonder and conjecture to be more interesting than the knowledge of facts. For example, I was dating a man and we went to a science fiction convention. He went to a lecture about on a new theory of the orgins of the Red Riding Hood fairy tale. When we met up later, I asked him what he thought. He proceeded to regurgitate what the speaker had said. I explained that I was interested in hearing his analysis, not what the speaker said. And he just did not get that. That is just one example but I think that it is necessary to not only be intelligent but to be actively engaged with the world around you.


During Sex I Want the Body to be In Charge. No Need To Speak while we behave as Animals.. You can amuse me later... after we shower and get dress, we talk during dinner.

@Sporty I take animal attraction for what it is... to me I have to see her dance can she move her hips in unison to the music, can she close her eyes and surrender to the beat. You like sapio conversation I like the touch of the flesh. I been dancing latin music since age 6. 58 years at the beat. I play, I dance, I sing, I write and make music. And after the act I talk in bed... but to me Music is the attraction. Nothing wrong with yourvpoint of view and what you want. I just happen to be more animalistic and in tune with the body than you but nothing wrong with your desires. Body movement attracts me, not her conversation. I will be happy dancing on the waxed floor. I am not looking for a mother to my child, been there done that. And all 3 children are into music singing, playing for the girls and son dances in a Salsa company in Vegas. Music is in their veins and me and ex wife still go dancing when in same city. Over 40 years of that attraction since the begining lasts still on us. Brains never attracted us. But I salute you.




I would think that there woudl be quite a few here.

Although I myself, am attracted to intelligent people, my attration is more in the lines of frienship than sexual. Although looking at my sexual history there were a significant percentage of nerdy types.


Yes, I need to connect with my mate on a deep cerebral level before I can connect sexually. That's the turn on. He's got to find that button...

That's why messages like the one I just received bother me slightly..." too bad you are so far away. You are strikingly beautiful". (no worries, I blocked him so he couldn't see this). From what I could tell I had zero in common with this guy other than the fact we are both non-believers. The fact that he thinks I am attractive, in no way translates to that I am into him. I want a man who is interested in the person, not the just shell.He really had little interest in me. 😟



I went out with a beautiful lady last week, we had a very pleasant dinner, but I had to explain almost everything I said and that was frustrating. On the other hand, it was her aesthetic which first attracted me to her. It not everything but it is something.

cava Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

Indeed.. The ability to have an in-depth discussion of a variety of topics is wonderful and stimulating (both mentally and physically).


Most assuredly.


Sapio-savy, baby! 😉


Uh, yeah, smart is sexy. Having a good sense of humor is icing on the cake though.


I have tendencies of both sapio and demi. I prefer an intellectual AND emotional connection.


Yes. Learned SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much about myself when I learned that term, and I wish I would have learned it sooner. Would have saved me decades of grief and misery.


Guilty! 🙂


Yes. I've found some delighful persons who are way down on the 1-10 beauty scale. Does that mean that I don't imagine/consider the physical aspects - of course I do! It's just that being able to work a problem together seems; to me at least, to be more important for a lasting relationship than the physical aspects.


I choose brains over looks fershur. Nice when both are together, but not holding my breath expecting that as a rule.

Orlyf Level 3 Apr 15, 2018

I need to be physically, emotionally, and intellectually attracted in order to start and sustain a relationship.


I think a distinction needs to be made between intelligence and being intellectual (which for this purpose I'll define as a mentality of continual interest in learning and in examining ones thoughts.) In either case, they are only one of several attributes I find attractive, and by themselves I don't find them sexy, as long as they aren't below average, in which case they might exclude that person from being attractive to me. But there is also much to also be said for warmth, sincerity, energy, passion, ethical character, drive, sense of humor, etc.

@Sporty Any of the traits I mentioned above, plus a couple I didn't, such as sensitivity, sensuality, and an interest in looking after one's health/fitness. I feel I relate well with introverts being one myself, but extroverts can either make my heart flutter or annoy. It all depends on the individual package, as long as none of the mentioned traits are seriously lacking.


I do not believe it is tied to sexual atteaction.


Most definitely!


I'm glad there are sapiosexuals in the world. It's about all I've got gonig for myself. 🙂

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