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Any Sapiosexuals here?

Sporty 5 Apr 14

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Probably quite a few of us, and I had to look it up too, although I did have an idea from the origin of the word.


What in the world is that?

Finding intelligence attractive or sexually arousing.


I found too many way too many claim to be Sapiosexual, when they have the sense that being polyamorous is what sapiosexual is in reality!

They do not understand that panasexual or sapiosexual does not mean you are Gay or Bisexual, even though many are are!

Neither are cookie cutting montras!

Though most of these pseudo-sexualities are invented by bisexuals to prove that they have standards. The fact that you can be a 'sapiosexual bisexual' or a 'sapiosexual heterosexual' is confirmation that the term isn't actually a sexuality. That doesn't work with actual sexualities. You don't get to be a heterosexual bisexual. I think a lot of the confusion comes when you declare something other than 'same' or 'different' as your sexual orientation. People, at that point, assume that the sex of your partner is irrelevant (you only care about their mind.)

Being attracted to intelligent people is no more a sexuality than being attracted to tall blonde women with big breasts. So is anyone here going to declare themselves tallblondewomenwithbigbreastssexual?

Pansexuality is, pretty much by definition, a form of bisexuality. Sapiosexuality doesn't identify someone's sexuality (in terms of interest in male, female, same sex or other sex) at all.


What in the wo


Am unfamiliar with the erm. Please define.

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