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The first step

bobwjr 10 Feb 9

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It would be nice to hang his ugly ass from a yardarm but both parties need him around for different reasons so the Orange Turd and his stink will be around for quite a bit longer. Hard to believe that a lone gunman with a magic bullet can't be found in the lower 48.

It's hard to believe that anyone could watch the videos of the riots of and still support trump. But the republican party is now the party of trump. He created (and legitimized) a movement that will exist long beyond his debacle of a presidency

@TheoryNumber3 My hope is that the GOP will split in half with the Trumptards going in one direction and the others who suck off the corporate teat go in the other direction.

@Surfpirate It looks like your prediction may be correct. Many associates have split away from him, but he still has a very loyalty following among the people and the Senate seems to be defending him, for some unknown reason.

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