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How long before Republican Lives Matter becomes a hashtag do you think? Getting close to being a repressed minority with discriminatory actions taken against them already.

PS posted this to illustrate how pathetic PC culture has become.

powder 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Poor little assholes. Tried to take over the country and got caught.


Produce evidence of any discriminatory action that has resulted in the death of any Republicans.

@powder You are playing off BLM, a movement which arose out of murder as a form of systemic racism. No normal person would post anything related to that under Silly, Random and Fun because it is none of those and you doing so is offensive.

Furthermore, you saying shit doesn't constitute evidence. There's no evidence that discrimination has caused the death or job loss of any Republicans, although I am not necessarily opposed to it. You cons are far more trouble than you're worth.

@powder Still zero evidence. You are entirely full of shit.

@powder Yep, still full of shit. There's no guarantee to free speech but hilarious that you think there is.

@powder Your reading comprehension is abysmal dipshit, the First Amendment only applies to governmental restriction of free speech. You are even dumber than I thought.

@powder You brought up the issue regarding free speech on this website! And no Einstein, the US Constitution doesn't apply to you anyway. Seriously, who ties your shoes in the morning, you stupid con?


Republican Lives are important but they don't matter.

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