Is hating haters hate? As far as people are concerned my hate is directed towards people or groups who have an unjustified disregard for human dignity. So in that regard I am a hater. Republicans keep complaining of Trump hate from the democrats. I say well hell yes they hate Trump and it is justified.
Not quite your point, but hating hate seems much like being intolerant of intolerance.
That's exactly what I've been accused of in the past, being intolerant of intolerance, esp. bigotry.
A double negative, so a positive!
The only thing I can’t tolerate is intolerance in others. The only thing I hate is the vile, bigoted hatred others so easily and effortlessly spew forth.
I’m with you on this one.
Ha! Just after I wrote the comment above I saw that your similar comment had beat mine to the screen!
45 inspires derision.
Always has.
Even before he ran for president.
As far as the republicans banging on about democrats hating 45, that is the absolute height of hypocrisy.
For 8 years, without any let up, they hated on Obama. Many still are.
I'm sick to death of republican hypocrisy.
I sure do wish they'd be called on that a lot more often, and publicly.
When you're a Repub, you never have to say you're sorry, be truthful, be consistent, or be guilty of hypocrisy, even when it's plain you're being hypocritical. In their mind, being on the side of God, patriotism, and the right party makes you immune from ever being wrong.
@TomMcGiverin That's just so fucked up and wrong. They're like believers, and most of them are.
They go on and on about "personal responsibility", yet they take none, but hold every expectation that everyone else SHOULD.
(If I'm not clear in my response, I agree with you. )
@KKGator No worries, I got it that you agreed with me. Their arrogance can be maddening...
@powder Of course there is some hypocrisy within the democratic party. They cannot be held up as bastions of truth and integrity
However, in this case the republicans, especially McConnell, Cruz, Graham, and Rubio, hung their not-guilty votes on an issue which had been decided.
The Senate did have jurisdiction.
That question had been decided on Tuesday.
The hypocrisy of the republicans using that excuse, and then to give a speech trying to explain how egregious the crime was, while still voting to acquit, is glaring.
Further, and much more to the point, McConnell deliberately would not allow the House to deliver the Article of Impeachment to the Senate.
The trial could have been held before Biden's
Inauguration, but McConnell knew this was exactly what he intended to do.
Let's not start with the "what about-isms".
In this case, they do not apply.
Let's stay focused on the topic at hand, shall we?