Anyone want to recommend a good (and hopefully cheap) downloadable tax program?
Need to get to it tomorrow.....
I won't be getting a return or paying in - but I always need the dang paperwork anyway!
Hey all of you - I found one that's free and will file my state and federal - now to find that paperwork. (Sigh).
I always use the free, easy H&R Block Advantage online program to do my taxes.
With H&R Block Advantage, i's easy to resist frequent invitations to pay for more services, and continue doing your taxes for free.
Suggestion? -- file for an extension - then check w/ the AARP or senior center. My neighbor does taxes for the elderly at the local senior center (was an corporate accountant). Just have your paperwork all lined up - and it will go quickly.
I'm in much the same boat - haven't started and it won't be easy - so just filing an extension and throwing 'em enough coin that I don't get penalized.
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to file online myself this time.
But yes I used to do the Senior center and then lost my ride. (Sigh).
Cut backs are a real thing right now.
And yes filing for extension. Can't find my 1099 or whatever it is. Seems to have fallen into a black hole.
Hopefully this link will work. If so, scroll down to "Free File Software Offers."
If you made less than $66K, there are several links to free software like TaxAct, Tax Slayer, Turbo Tax, and more. You have to go through the website though, it you go to the actual vendor you'll pay full price. The prep is free, as is e-filing for both state and federal.
I've used TaxAct for the last several years, it's very easy and walks you right through.
I found it! Thank you.
Just discovered I do have to file - but I can't find my 1099 so I'll have to get an extension and figure out how to get that reissued.
It's been a bad few months - I'm hoping this is my last hiccup.
I hire a CPA even for a simple 1040 . That way I have someone in between me and the IRS.
I'm on SSDI if they want to come for me they will be SOL.
But I did used to use a proper CPA.
@RavenCT ? I'm wishing 'em luck!! Rotten IRS?
I finally caved and gave a very nice tall man two bens and a grant to deal with the shit.
I get jumpy even thinking of forms and schedules and columns.
You can use TurboTax free online if you just have a pretty basic 1040 filing. They only charge you if you want to eFile.