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In line for my sticky sticky - I am ready for life to get, somewhat, back to normal!

Heidi68 8 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Remember, you have to wait ten days, before you can really start the party.

I was told 3 weeks after the 2nd shot


Is that your number in line, 1,027? How long did you have to wait?

I think that was how many they did today. I was only there about an hour, maybe a little more from drive up to drive out.



MizJ Level 8 Mar 11, 2021

I'm happy for you. I'm anxiously awaiting my turn. I wasn't so normal before the pandemic, I don't know if the vaccine can change that.

I am far from normal but a reasonable normal existence would be nice to achieve in the near future. You know for important things - travel, a social life....

@Heidi68 Absolutely!

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