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The difference.

This is why the new classification of second world and third world countries should be this:

  1. Developed Countries
  2. Developing Countries
  3. Hopeless Countries
St-Sinner 9 Mar 12

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What's a crore ?

One Crore is equal to ten million (just in numbers)

US$ 1 Million is = 7 crore Indian Rupees
So in the meme, it would be $70 Million
That sounds low to me.

I will research.

I left India and it still confuses me. India measures numbers differently.

'One Lakh' (100,000) = is what the West Calls 'One Hundred Thousand'
'One Crore' (100,000,00) is 100 lakhs = For the West it is 'Ten Million'

This is just in numbers without converting the currencies.

Lakhpati = One who has a Lakh
Crorepati = One who has a Crore

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