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Discovering WW1 tunnel of death hidden in France for a century

By Hugh Schofield
BBC News, Paris
Not since the 1970s has there been such an important discovery from the Great War in France. In woods on a ridge not far from the city of Reims, the bodies of more than 270 German soldiers have lain for more than a century - after they died the most agonising deaths imaginable.

Petter 9 Mar 15

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Poor sods. Buffy Sainte Marie nailed it with her song "The Universal soldier".

I have a friend who's father served in WW1 and at the end of the war was stationed in France at a POW camp where he made friends with a German soldier.
Fast forward to WW2 where a POW camp was set up near the village where my friend's father worked on a farm. The German soldiers were sent out to work on local farms and the soldier who was sent to his farm turned out to be the son of the soldier he made friends with all those years ago.
After the war the soldier went back to Germany and the two families kept in touch for years
War, What is it good for ?. Fuck all !!


Not more agonizing than the thousands of soldiers killed or hundreds of thousands maimed by inhaling mustard gas developed by the Germans.

There are probably unexploded munitions, and maybe some lingering mustard gas in the dirt.

@AtheistInNC Oh yes. Millions of unrecovered mines waiting to maim those walking through the French countryside

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