A day designated to ritualize anything is personally distasteful. It is a herd-mind phenomenon attempting to bring about togetherness of identity, as though united under some sort of umbrella of likeness.
People rejecting theologies and gods are not alike and share only that single attitude. One might as well declare a day celebrating those with a parent that choked to death on food as a unifying group ritual. There isn't enough likeness between them for a common identity meaningful enough for them to bother with.
Not sure how most of us feel, but personally, I'm tweary of the theologically botched taking it upon themselves to 'define' me solely on the basis of having rejected their 'off the shelf' systems of others' adopted thoughts. It is just as discomforting to be defined by others who are atheist doing the same and being equally incorrect.
There is NO such thing as a set of doctrines defining atheists and attempts to articulate them by self-important, ignorant 'non-believers' are insulting. Rituals as a means of unifying are just as silly as declaring that we all devoutly follow sciences as substitutes for superstitions.
Next thing, some rube will declare that 'good atheists' must be observant by wearing stickers with the image of Pope Richard of Oxford.
I don't see sufficient evidence to believe there is an Atheist Day.