I was just looking at the Patheos site (which I am always a bit suspicious of) and in their so-called non-religious section they were asking the question 'Where are all the atheist hospitals?' It just brought home to me how different various countries are - in the UK we don't have religious hospitals. Most hospitals are run by the state and a few are private, but none of them, I think are set up or funded by religion. In Spain, where I live half the time, all the hospitals have religious names because it is nominally a catholic country, but they are still either run by the state or private health companies. Do religions in the USA actually fund hospitals?
It is no wonder people are going bankrupt from medical bills in this country. Between the hospitals and the insurance industry they get everything you own if you get a serious illness and being a religous hospital doesnt mean they will waive bills, they are in it for the money.
Well we do have st Bartholomews hospital in UK but my favorite is Guys. It was founded by a book seller who made a large fortune in the south sea bubble, got out just in time but felt guilty about it.
Here in Florida, we have Florida Hospital... run by the 7th day adventists. They're very good, but it's offputting to see the Jebus paintings all over the place. The creepiest one is him in the operating room supposedly guiding the surgeon.
yes, i live in a very small town, we only have one hospital, it is a catholic funded hospital. there are some things they don't offer due to their beliefs ive heard. they do still do things like birth control and i recently got my tubes tied there, but they did let me know that they where giving me a month between when i signed the papers till the actual surgery, to decide if it truly fit my morals, and a nurse suggested that i talk to my spiritual leader before i make such a drastic decision. she looked a bit put off when i told her i don't have a spiritual leader, but other than that they didnt really try to bring religion into it. we have a lot of religious folks out this way, but surprisingly, most of them arent very pushy about it anymore.
Even the psych hospitals give services for patients. Ugh... The CD of hymns I want to burn for good!
Hmm... I can’t answer if or not it is in name only but many here have religios nsmes too. I doubt they are?