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Mental health and productivity.

Jolanta 9 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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A nearby home for retired folk has a Memory Care Unit that keeps its interior brightly lighted.


In my first marriage, I often brought work home from the office and continued work in the evening in my "home office."That home office was bright , both in paint and illumination. Then,my wife decided that she was going to wallpaper the room. I asked her not to make the room darker in any way.

She proceeded to install dark wallpaper. From then on, after dinner during the week, I went back to my formal office and often worked until midnight to 2 AM during the work week. I often wondered if she did it out of sheer arrogance of whether she wanted my out of the house in the evening. .

Well, that may be one of the reasons why it did not last.

maybe she was just looking for what she liked in the room and wasn't considering that it may affect you negatively.

@Jolanta Not really. Her action was just one of an endless series of "mind'fuck" games. That is why the marriage ended.

@AmmaRE007 I think that you are right. The only problem is that the room was used only as my workspace at home. Like everything else, what she wanted was the only thing that mattered.


This is very important during lockdowns.

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