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What is it that today’s ’so-called conservatives trying to conserve? Is it natural resources? No, to the greatest extent, it is the exploitation of those resources for profit today, regardless of the consequences. Is it conserving he fertility of our soil. No. Is it conserving the quality of the water in our streams and aquifers? No. Is it conserving the values of honesty, truthfulness, concern for the quality of life for all of our people, the treatment of all of our people with full dignity and respect, democracy, for equal treatment under the law? Most decidedly not!

In fact, today’s “conservatives” abuse the title and do not deserve to use it. What they are really doing is seeking to preserve privilege so that they can exercise unearned special social status and control. They are seeking to gain and use power to exploit, not conserve. They are seeking maximize profit without the exercise of responsibility for the consequences. They are seeking to amass wealth by any means.

It is time for us o say to these frauds that we are onto their game and will not listen to their hollow ideological proclamations anymore. It is time for us to show these self-serving ideologues that it is US, not them, who can and will conserve our natural resources, our quality of life, our ideals of democracy and equal treatment under the law, of equal opportunity, of treatment of all with dignity and respect. It is time us to show them what we and our country can be when we truly live by those standards.

wordywalt 9 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Leftover from white supremacy

We cannot blame everything on white supremacy. It did not invent duplicity, prevariation, greed , and lust for power as well as other morally catastrophic actions andemotions.


Perhaps trying to conserve what's left of the Dark Ages?


They certainly are NOT conserving American lives or values.

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