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This article about the term "sapiosexual" cracks me up. []

ailurophile 7 Apr 15

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I think,we have seen people here, claiming how they only date someone with a degree,as is that's the measurement of intelligence and intellectualism.


Yeah I never understand why people feel the need to invent so many labels for these things... No one is going to care enough to bother to remember them all. That's why I just stick with bisexual, and only bring up the nuances when they become relevant.


Usually people who claim to be intellectuals are full of shit anyway...when you place them under the real critical examination, they won't pass.

The dunning kruger effect in action. The more you know, the more likely you are to realize just how little you really understand.

Perhaps you have met the wrong intellectuals, or perhaps your "you are full of shit" attitude means there are intellectuals who don't think they can have a meaningful connection with you. I have multiple degrees; I don't know if that makes me an intellectual, but I definitely know that no one who has worked hard to achieve scholastically is deserving of anyone's disrespect.

@citronella do degrees represent intellectualism?

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