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If you are a diabetic and.or have friends who are diabetics and are concerned with the high costs of insulin. I have a solution. There is an older form of insulin named Novolin N and NovolinN 70/30 that is still on the market and is available at Walmart without prescription for about %25.00 a vial.

I switched to Novolin over 2 years ago, and it works well for me. It took a period of adjusting to the minor differences in the way it works.One difference is that my blood sugar levels drop from 130 to 150 points overnight. I am doing fine and the change saves me close to $400.00 a month. If you will take the time and effort to make the adjustment, it will save you a bundle!

wordywalt 9 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I haven't got to the stage of needing insulin yet but I am currently fortunate to live in a country that still has control of the cost of pharmaceuticals and subsidises them for all. There is a constant battle to go to the ridiculous American system but so far it hasn't happened. I think that the most that we can pay in any one year is about $500 which is for all medicines needed.

You are cprrect. Our medical systemcosts too damned much in all of its facetrs. A good universal healthcare sstems would establish mrsningful nd useful controls.


Of course everyone should work with their doctors about making a switch if they can switch.

You are absolutely correct I ran it by my doctor before I made the switch and we did it on a trrial basis at first. .

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