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Why do people hate it that I am Atheist?

Benjamin123 4 Apr 14

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Some family members are more accepting than others and I have stop talking to the ones who are not accepting.

I think government officials out to stop saying The Big Bang Theory and make it factual.


When one can not conceive that others do not believe in their fairy tale imaginary delusions existence, they tend to consider you any enemy of the state!!!


Hate of the "Other" is a primary feature of most religions. Western religions in particular rely on the allegiance of the members, and that loyalty is cultivated by identifying non-members and noting how they are different.

Christians hate atheists because they are most closely allied to the scientific world view that explicitly contradicts their dogma as a matter of factually recounting human origins.


They are jealous of you because you are free. And, they are angry because the freedom of one person jeopardizes the rigorous social order their religion provides for them.


Their imaginary “Authority” gives them brass balls. It’s by this “Authority” that they refer to as God that they demand everyone conform as they have, but their God is just hubris and I’ll do as I please at my whim and I encourage everyone to do the same.
These fools do not define us, fuck they can’t even describe us.


They don't hate the you are an Atheist. They hates all atheists. Religion breeds hate. They have distrust, fear, and hatred of nonreligious people. They can all go fuck themselves.

I wouldn’t be too aggressive.

@Benjamin123 I would.

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