5 8

Supposing it had gone down this way:

TheoryNumber3 8 Apr 17

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Even asking the question is very troubling to me. The behavior is a horrible abuse of power no matter the color of the neck that knee rests on.


I'd still wonder why the hand was in the pocket.


The very same people stating "blue lives matter" now would be saying something different.

Unity Level 8 Apr 17, 2021

And maybe Daunte Wright would still be alive



If Chavn or what ever his fucking name is spelled did that to a dog he would be charge for animal cruelty without any court with a jury to get him out of his crime of murder!!!

He is guilty of murder!!!

He is plain out a murderer!!!

Truth. Vick spent almost 2 years in federal prison for his involvement in dog fighting. Other NFL players didn't even lose their jobs for killing humans. This country has an idiotic obsession with dogs.


Point well made.

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