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Bill Gates Chooses Corporate Patent Rights Over Human Lives


Ryo1 8 Apr 26

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Call me naive, but I wish to hear people, including politicians and big companies, talking about integrity for a change.

Ryo1 Level 8 Apr 27, 2021

I wish people would stop infatuating this guy. I've been saying it for decades. Corporate Robber Barron and Trust grifter, who takes as much as possible and throws crumbs, usually to fellow trusts/foundations-- the modern grift mechanism of the rich corrupt. ( Trump Foundation, Clinton Foundation ...) No doubt the Bill Gates is wonderful gang will chime in now. Why do Americans worship anyone who's rich, regardless of how they made it.


He claims the vaccine would've never been developed without patent rights and that it's a manufacturing safety concern. I think it's because corporate support for his foundation are influenced by Big Pharma.

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