I thank God for Him making me an atheist!
"for HIM?" Some of our atheists will argue that our non-existent god might be female. But since it's imaginary anyway, I guess we get to choose whatever gender of god we don't believe it.
Personally, if we're going to have a deity not to believe in, I'd like to go for Ishtar (Sumerian/Assyrian goddess of war, fertility, sex and sudden death - you've got to give the non-existent girl some credit there, that's one HELL of a combination!) Basically she's the same figment of the imagination as Inanna and Asarte in other ancient multi-theistic religions.
I rather like Ishtar. Not only to I picture her as seriously cute (goddess of sex, after all), but in her temples there were young ladies who 'offered her blessing' to those who made good, financial donations - so basically she ran a 'Divine Brothel'.
@ToakReon Having been completely completely corrupted by brothels in multiple foreign countries while in the service of my country, I would put Ishtar and her maidens of pleasure high on my list. Besides that, I discovered that I really LIKE paying for good sex...and enjoying the services of an experienced and enthusiastic professional.
If you believe in god, and that he has a plan, then it must have been him who made me an atheist - and therefore, by trying to change me into a believer, you are DEFYING GOD'S WILL, you heathens!
I am so going to steal that one! Thanks for sharing it.
You are very welcome! Now behave yourself!!!
I am behaving myself, badly!