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Arizona Atheist Lawmaker Stands Up To Christian Bully:

anglophone 9 May 1

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Good on her but what had her original waffle about nature got to do with government and legislature

As far as I can see, her original statement had nothing directly to do with ensuring good governance and an effective legislature. However, there appears to be a human need among at least some humans to have a moment reflection before embarking on an arduous task. I see this in sports as well as some legislatures, and I would guess that her original address was written with that in mind.

The "prayer" to start the sessions has been replaced with an invocation. She was doing her invocation.


Bring in a dog with a loose bladder , trained to pee on command... He will learn his lesson.


Great rebuttal


as is so often the case in such public display - behavior, they were BOTH, each in their separate ways, complete asses.................... " the peacocks (each) spread their fans " (L. Cohen). ... but that pompous and pedantic ponderer of the cosmos takes the cake when she verges on a forced emotional break down over perceived insults "intolerable and uncalled for". it gives public atheism a bad name, our public atheists need at least some minimum sense of humor. and those that rally to her here?

I must say I don't agree with you. I think invocations are mostly bullshit time wasters. Christianity gets a pass on this all the time. Why that old dog turd did what he did is obvious, to piss on her thoughts. Bring in a a pack of mongrels to piss on him everytime he stands up. Again I am not a fan of her speach, but, if they seem to need an invocation every time a session opens, then they must put up with hers.

If they do not wish to hear hers, then the turd balls can just remove them from the itinerary. They should shut the fuck up.

When you go to work, leave your Jesus's nailed firmly on your wall at home. Take a fresh road pizza put it in a screw cap jar and add a dog turd and maybe pee in it, screw the lid on tight and leave in the sun for a week. Then every time you , everytime you feel the need to Preach/Testify, Crack that jar open and breathe.

That is everything your god made and an inspiration. But I think after the first few times, you will lose the urge to Preach, Speak in Tongues or Testify.

You will also know what many think of your religion.

@praytothemilkjug ..... of course you are right, invocations and most else "democratic"legislators do is bullshit. but as we fret over the religious slights of opposing morons, the ice caps are melting.

@holdenc98 If the ice caps are melting, why are you wasting time by posting comments here?

@holdenc98 Dave I am making icecubes as fast I can and am prepared to send them to the north pole any day they are requeasted. Until then I let other use them in G&T's and keep the beers cold! :-}

@praytothemilkjug .very funny. i don't think you guys understand whats at stake, there are lots of good global warming/ 6th mass extinction movies i would recomend for yall. leonardo decaprio"s 11TH HOUR, or the NOVE:EARTH FROM SPACE to name 2 . step up!

@holdenc98 I do, my one kid won't have kids, the other is probably not going to have kids as well. The engineer kid one day shared his thoughts "Dad what the earth needs is a solid global pandemic 100X the 1917 Spanish Flue, like this week or tomorrow" the following year COVID.

I can either weep daily or at least have a chuckle as the world slowly becomes uninhabitable, by humans.

We piss our fish bowl too much.


She states facts and he spews unsubstantiated belief. He could have just replaced the word "god" with the word "Santa." The fact that some people clapped for the idiot simply shows their ignorance and indoctrination.


I hate that the video cut off at the end. I would’ve liked to hear her protest to the end.


I would like to see what censure he faced,


As soon as he grabbed a mic I felt the uncontrollable urge to punch him.

I sometimes feel that same way towards smug, arrogant jerks. Glad to know I'm not alone and that it doesn't make me an overly violent person.

@TomMcGiverin sorry Tom but it still does because I am lmfao

.i urge you to change your username to "NOSE PUNCH". or "PUNCHYGUY"


He seemed to be the typical smug, arrogant bully.


It was great to hear that pompous ass get a dressing down. It was even greater to hear that we have an openly atheist legislator in Arizona.


I have my volume turned up all the way and still could barely hear it. Both on the video and my Chromebook.

That is weird because I had no problem hearing it.

Also no problem with audio here.

@Lorajay, @Apunzelle It is probably my device. I've had this Chromebook about 3 years now I think.


A big thumbs up for the Arizona Atheist Lawmaker...

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