A new science that is of deep concern in these times. Mental Immunity Collapse. A bit about the author: [psychologytoday.com]
Many times I have commented that it seems continued there must be some sort of virus/parasite that is creating a proliferation of bad and conspiratorial ideas. Can we find a vaccine for it?
The short answer to your question is "no". Looking at Andy Norman's post, what is needed is a sociological approach, not a vaccine, to empower people to reject ideas that cause physical or psychological damage to the person. One has only to look at the way members of QAnon allowed themselves to be led into invading Congress by that highly infectious source of damaging ideas known as Donald John Trump.
My question was purely rhetoric. Still, I have wondered how so many people can be so stupid and the numbers keep increasing. There has to be a reason that's not just the media. There is a phenomena known as the hundredth monkey. I'm not a believer in ESP but still there are lots of things we simply don't know.