I think our military aid to Israel not only enrches our military industrial complex but it also emboldens them to take more aggressive measures against Palestine. I think the bill mentioned in this article would be a good start towards America making more honorable contributions to resolve the conflict in the middle east. Yes I am a Pollyanna.
"Bringing Assistance to Israel in Line With Rights and U.S. Laws - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" [carnegieendowment.org]
What most Americans are unaware of is that the US maintains large munitions stockpiles in Israel. These stockpiles were established back in the 1970s, so that they would be prepositioned in the event that the US military were to deploy large numbers of troops there.
The IDF guards the stockpiles, and in return, are allowed to draw from them when needed.
So it should be no surprise that the very munitions fired at Hamas are stamped 'Made in USA'. It's no wonder the Palestinians consider the US and Israel to be one and the same!
We should stop all aid to Israel until they stop their human rights abuse of others
Also grow up and stop calling everyone who critiques their government policy an anti-Semite
Israel and USA want a peace of everybody.
Shalome and Smart Bombs!